MOAA's National Effort
Our mission is to foster fraternal relations among retired, active, reserve, and former officers of the uniformed services; to protect the rights and interests of personnel of the uniformed services and their dependents and survivors; to provide useful services for members and their dependents and survivors, and to serve our community and the nation.
We accomplish this by working with Congress on legislation affecting the career force, the retired community and veterans of the uniformed services. As a tax-exempt veterans organization we advocate issues but cannot by law support any political party or the election or defeat of any political candidate. We have more than 390,000 members worldwide representing the five armed services, the U.S. Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. We are the nation’s fifth largest veterans organization.
For more information about our programs and member benefits, please go to our web site, http://www.moaa.org/ or contact us at msc@moaa.org; or (800) 234-6622; (703) 549-2311.