Pennsylvania Council of Chapters
Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)
More than 12,000 powerful voices in Pennsylvania!
We work with Congress and the Pennsylvania legislature on issues affecting the career force, the retired community and veterans of the uniformed services.
As a 501(c)(19) non-profit veterans organization our council advocates issues but does not support any political party or the election or defeat of any political candidate.
Our mission is to foster fraternal relations among retired, active, reserve, and former officers of the uniformed services; to protect the rights and interests of personnel of the uniformed services and their dependents and survivors; to provide useful services for members and their dependents and survivors, and to serve our communities, our Commonwealth and the nation.
We’re on Facebook! – go to “PA Council of Chapters, MOAA”
Click here for the details.
WANTED FOR ROBBERY! Download and disseminate this poster that warns veterans to be on the lookout for predators who are breaking the law by charging veterans to file claims. Please click here for the poster.
The council’s new general purpose flyer is now available for downloading by clicking here.
Chapters interested in producing a similar brochure for their chapter should contact Bill Harris at for assistance.
WANTED: Council representative to the MOAA National Surviving Spouse Council. That individual would report to the state Council for quarterly meetings in Carlisle, which can be done by teleconference. The representative will be the conduit between the MOAA Surviving Spouse Council and the Council’s chapters to provide information, concerns, best practices and legislative goals to chapter representatives.If you have an interested candidate that can attend Council meetings or participate by phone please have them contact Bob Gray for more information. There is a need for this information as we have many surviving spouses in our chapters.